Places Autocomplete API Pricing

 The prices for places autocomplete are based on the number of requests and the number of fields. The Basic Data SKU is the cheapest, costing a maximum of $0.99 per request. The Contact Data SKU costs an additional $0.99 per request, but it's worth it if you use it sparingly. Both methods have their pros and cons, so you should choose the right one for your needs.

The first place to check is whether you want to charge per location. You will be charged based on the number of results. A small fee applies if you want to use different languages, including English. The second place option will cost you $1.98 per request, and it's free for the Basic and Contact SKUs. The Atmosphere and Places details requests will also be charged $0.99 per request.

Basic data is free. The other three options are priced according to the number of requests you make. Each request will contain a PlaceResult object, which contains a list of place data. The PlaceResult object will return a list of prediction objects. It will be biased towards the places that are closest to the user's current location. You can use the Autocomplete API to restrict predictions to only establishment types and the United States.


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